Friday, September 14, 2007

Break out the tools, Im making a yarn swift

I remember seeing this tutorial a while back on how to make your own yarn swift when I was searching to find the cheapest one, well there are no cheap yarn swifts, so I searched again yesterday and found the website with the tutorial. If interested you can find it here Home made yarn swift

I headed out to the hardware store early in the morning bound and determined to make my own

I already had most of the tools needed, just had to buy the parts which came to a total of $.8.60. I did have to buy a wood chisel which was $7.79, I had them cut the wood to the sizes needed, all I had to cut was the notches to fit the top pieces together

I still am missing one 3 inch piece of wood on the bottom, but I am using my old college textbooks in place right now until I get that cut
Well here it is in all its glory, I love it, its awesome, and it comes apart for storage, this is so amazing

(...Im having a little video trouble, Im working on it....)
and a little video demonstration, I changed the TV to a music channel so you didn't have to hear my TV show, instead its some loud music Ive never heard, but it sounds like a cool song, any one heard it before? who is it? well have fun, I know I will


  1. I don't think there isn't anything you can't do. Your yarn colors turned out so good and look great wrapped around your new swift.

  2. haha, I think I have been going a little over board lately, but its so much fun making stuff! I need to start doing my chores again, I have neglected my living space these past 2 weeks :0)

  3. Marcie - cool swift! Now I want to make one but I have no reason to b/c I barely have time to even knit stuff. I want you to show me how to hand dye some yarn when you come into town! Can wait!! Simply amazing work you do!

  4. That is awesome! I'm impressed.

  5. Wow Marcie,You are so talented. Your own hand dyed yarn and a hand made winder. You are the best. Great pictures too!

  6. You're awesome! It looks like store bought and I am proud of you! I am also looking for one at ebay but they're all expensive....I should try it myself. :P

  7. Thanks for the tip. I love it! I need to make myself one too. I am tired of using my knees (or sometimes my husband) for rewinding. I guess you cannot make your own ball winder, can you? :)
