Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tutorial Tuesday - Coffee Filter Flower Tutorial

I have so much fun and get so much inspiration by others who share their tutorials. I thought I would share my favorites with you. So every Tuesday I'll share with you a great tutorial I've found on the Internet.

I thought about this a couple weeks ago when I was watching The Martha Stewart Show. I was thinking of how I love to do all these crafts but I always seem to forget about them or not get to them for a few months, or even lose the link to find them.

With this idea I can keep a nice list of tutorials I want to try and share my finds at the same time

Well on with the tutes!

Today I stumbled upon a super cool video tutorial from Rhonna Farrer of House of 3. I 've never heard of her until today but she has some super fun tutorials for paper flower decorations. I spent so much money on buying materials to make some of these before but now I can't wait to make these for sooo much cheaper and sooo much easier.

Coffee Filter Flower Tutorial video can be found here:


and Rhonna blog can be found here:

Enjoy! She has lost of fabulous ideas on her blog!

Let me know if you try this and I'll post my try later on, ooh fun bday decorations for Alana's 2nd bday!!

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